Welcome to Padlet for Schools for administrators!

Thank you for choosing Padlet for Schools. This will be the go-to resource for all of your admin needs.

Prefer a short version? Check out this abridged quick start guide.

Sign up for Padlet for Schools

To get started with Padlet for Schools, click here to go to our subscriptions page where you can Get a quote or Request a demo!

Padlet for Schools accounts are completely separate from regular Padlet. You might compare Padlet for Schools to a silo. This separation makes your instance of Padlet more secure and private.  

A regular Padlet account is located at padlet.com and your Padlet for Schools account will end in padlet.org.

With Padlet for Schools, your teachers and students will access Padlet by using your unique Padlet for Schools domain. This is unlike using the free version of Padlet, which you access by going to padlet.com. 

You get to decide your Padlet for Schools domain - so you are deciding the URL that your school will use to access Padlet! As the owner of the account, you can change your institution name and Padlet for Schools domain through the organization settings at any time. Don’t stress too hard about this step!

If your desired domain name has already been taken, please contact us to see if we can reclaim the domain.

Import padlets and collaborators

If you have an existing individual account, you can import your content into the Padlet for Schools account. 

You can import padlets when you first create the account or at any point throughout the year. To import your padlets right away, click on your account name in the top-right corner of the dashboard and select Import. You will be prompted to log in to your individual account by entering your padlet.com credentials.

*Note: Email addresses do not need to match for this to work.

Once you have imported your padlets into your Padlet for Schools account, you can cancel your subscription if you are a paying member and receive a prorated refund if applicable. If you want to import padlets at a later time, you can always come back and check out these simple steps

When you Import padlets into your Padlet for Schools account, we will try to match the author of each post and comment to an existing user in the account. If we cannot find a match, the post will become anonymized. If name attribution is important to you, be sure to add your users before importing!
When importing your padlets using the Import tool - you can choose to copy your padlets from your individual account (so that there is a copy in both accounts) or transfer them (so that they are completely removed from the individual account and placed in the school account).

Copying your padlets: Your URLs will change! If you have any of these padlets embedded or shared, you will need to embed and share them again. The original links will be broken.

Transferring your padlets: Your original URLs will automatically forward to the new location.
If you need to transfer padlets between two separate Padlet for Schools accounts, please reach out to us so we can help.

Once you import your padlets, you will also have the option to import collaborators. 

At this step, you can add anyone with whom you have collaborated using your basic account. You can choose whether to import them as a teacher or a student. You will be able to add more users later, but this is a quick way to get started. 

Manage account settings and permissions

After importing your padlets, you can customize your account settings. The owner and account admins (yes, you can have more than one) share similar access to these settings. Click on your account name in the top-right corner of your dashboard and go to Settings.

Organization info

From your Settings, start by clicking Organization info. Here, you can change the following:

  1. Change your logo: You can change the logo of your Padlet domain to your school logo. The logo will appear on your login screen and dashboard. To update the logo, click on the existing paper crane and upload your logo file.
  2. Enable third-party login: You can enable Google, Microsoft or ClassLink SSO. Once you enable third-party login, you can also enable automatic student account creation if you want to allow students to automatically get an account without you having to add them manually. You can also choose to only allow third-party login.
  3. Learning Management Systems: You can integrate Padlet with your school’s Learning Management System (LMS) platform using our LTI connectors. These connectors allow teachers to easily add padlets as assignments to the LMS. An account is automatically created for students if they do not have one when they access the assignment from the LMS. Check out the instructions below for your LMS. LMS connectors are provided free of charge so if your subscription does not include one, reach out to us.


Once you have customized your organization's information, click on Permissions.

From here, you can customize the permissions of the teachers and students in your account. You can decide if students are able to make padlets, choose if teachers are able to add new users, set the default privacy setting for new padlets and customize the available privacy settings for teachers and students. Learn more about Padlet for Schools permissions.

Content Safety

Another very important feature for Padlet for Schools admins is having the ability to customize which categories of content are moderated by Safety Net. Safety Net is the program we use to filter between safe and unsafe context on a padlet.

Read how to turn on specific settings here!

Add users to the account

Now that you have adjusted your account settings, you can add users to the account! In order for your users to have access to your Padlet for Schools account, you will need to invite them one of the following ways:

  • User management dashboard
  • Enabling automatic account creation through single-sign on (SSO)
  • Rostering (no user management through your dashboard needed)
  • Invite links

When you add a user to the account, you create a totally new account for that person that only exists at your Padlet for Schools domain. If you invite someone who has an existing free or paid account, this means they will now have two accounts! They will not lose any existing content, and they will be able to import their padlets into the Padlet for Schools account if they'd like.

User management dashboard

To navigate to the user management dashboard, click on your account name in the top-right corner of the dashboard and then click Manage people.

Add individual users

There are a few ways you can add users. The first is to add individual users. This can be a quick way to get started, and it is certainly helpful for inviting new users throughout the year.

Add multiple users

You can invite multiple users at once using a CSV file. To do this, you will need a list of your users’ names and emails. We can create your usernames and passwords for you! For full instructions, please see this article.

Sending out an invite link is one of the most convenient ways to get people to join your organization. You can share invite links by performing these steps:

  1. Click on your account name in the top-right corner of your dashboard > Manage people.
  2. Click Add New User.
  3. Select Invite Links.
  4. Toggle the button ON next to the role you'd like to invite to.
  5. Click the COPY button next to the designated role for the recipient.
  6. Paste the link in your email (or any other type of communication you use) and invite your users!

Recipients will be prompted to sign up and their roles are automatically assigned based on the link they access.

Invite links don't expire, but account owners have the option to disable invite link sharing and reset the URLs to control registration.


Rostering is available to make things even easier! We offer rostering through ClassLink, OneRoster, the Google for Education app and more! Rostering makes adding users the simplest of tasks!

Automatic account creation through SSO

Finally, you can enable automatic account creation through SSO. This will allow unregistered users to have an account created automatically for them by clicking the Log in with Google/Microsoft/ClassLink button on the login page. If you want to enable SSO for your account, check out this article.

For a complete list of ways to add and remove users from your account, please read this article.

When you add a user to your account, they will receive a welcome email with your Padlet for Schools domain. Users should open the invitation email and navigate to the Padlet for Schools domain you have chosen. When they log in, they will have access to their premium Padlet account!

Don't see the Manage people button? Make sure you are logged into the right account. Padlet for Schools accounts end in padlet.org — for example, hogwarts.padlet.org.

Logging into your Padlet for Schools account

Logging into your Padlet for Schools account is a little different than logging into Padlet.com. We recommend that you navigate directly to your Padlet for Schools domain ending in padlet.org. That way, you will avoid accidentally logging into your basic account at padlet.com. 

You can also access your account by navigating to padlet.com and clicking 'Backpack or Briefcase user? Log in Here.' Then you can input your Padlet for Schools domain and log in.

Backpack accounts have transitioned to Padlet for Schools. Your view of this page (or any page) may still reflect 'Backpack' instead of 'Padlet for Schools.' Please follow the links either way - they all lead to the same place!

For more information on how to access Padlet via your mobile app, please see this article.

If you have added a user to your Padlet for Schools account but they are unable to create unlimited padlets, please make sure they are logging into your specific Padlet for Schools domain (like hogwarts.padlet.org). They must log into your unique domain to access their premium account.

Switching accounts

Users can toggle between their personal accounts and Padlet for Schools accounts seamlessly. From the bottom of their dashboard, users will be able to select their personal account or their school account. 

As mentioned above, Padlet for Schools is a silo, so if any of your teachers had existing accounts at padlet.com before you started your Padlet for Schools account, their existing accounts will continue to exist. Any padlets that they create inside the Padlet for Schools account will not appear inside their basic account and vice versa. 

Most users find having two separate accounts useful. They can use their free account to interact with padlets hosted at padlet.com while using their sponsored Padlet for Schools account to create padlets for the classroom. However, if your users wish to delete their free accounts, they can do so without impacting their new Padlet for Schools accounts. They just need to follow these steps.

Sharing your padlets

Sharing your padlets is super simple. There are three main ways to share your padlets.

  • The first is to invite users by email to join your padlet. This can be helpful if you have any co-teachers or collaborators who need to have the same level of access as you do. Note that you will only be able to invite users who are members of your Padlet for Schools account.
  • You can also share the URL or QR code of your padlet. This is the quickest way to share a padlet— just make sure to set the privacy and permissions of your padlet to the correct settings!
  • Finally, you can embed your padlet using an embed code or LMS integration. If you are using an LMS integration, make sure you have followed the setup instructions linked above. 


You can access Padlet via your web browser and mobile device. For a full list of supported browsers and mobile devices, please check out this article.


Does Padlet accept bank transfers as payment?
We accept bank transfers for orders > $1,000. The information regarding how to conduct the bank transfer should be on your invoice.
How can I get a quotation?
Ready for a Padlet for Schools subscription? Request a quote for Padlet for Schools here. You'll find the link under 'School.' Quotations are valid for 30 days. Not sure which plan to purchase? This article might help!
Can I add multiple administrators to my Padlet for Schools account?
Certainly! The option will be available for every member you add to the organization. For existing members, you can modify their roles from the Manage people page by clicking the Edit button on the user's information page.
Can I transfer ownership of my Padlet for Schools account?
If you want to switch ownership of your account, please have the current owner of the account email us with the URL of your Padlet for Schools account and the new owner's email. You will need to add the new owner to the Padlet for Schools account first before we can make the switch.

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