Content moderation

There are three basic levels of Content Moderation: None, Auto, and Manual. Organizations with student accounts will have an additional option in which only posts by student accounts are moderated. You can access these from your padlet's settings.

Moderation levels

None: All posts will be published instantly on the padlet without moderation.

Auto: Posts detected as inappropriate by our Safety Net AI moderation system will be flagged for approval. Posts deemed inappropriate will be blocked, and an email notification will be sent to the owner of the padlet. The owner can decide whether to accept or reject the post.

Auto moderation is not yet available for Sandboxes - coming soon!

Manual - Students only: All posts added by students are submitted for review. The owner and admins of the padlet will be able to see and approve submitted posts.

Manual - All: All posts are submitted for review. The owner and admins of the padlet will be able to see and approve submitted posts.

The Manual - Students only option will not be a choice in the dropdown menu unless you are a part of a Classroom or Padlet for Schools plan.

The following languages are supported by Auto moderation:































Safety Net with Auto moderation

Attention account Administrators!! School, Classroom and Padlet for Schools tenant Administrators can now set defaults for post content moderation and customize what is deemed inappropriate for their environment.

Click on your account name/avatar in the top-right corner of your dashboard > Settings > click Content safety in the column on the left. Now you are in your Content safety settings.

Only School, Classroom and Padlet for Schools administrators will see this option within their Settings.

Safety Net defaults

Click the dropdown menu next to 'Post and comment moderation' (shown above) and choose from None, Auto, Manual - Students only or Manual - All. Whatever is chosen here will be the Content moderation control that is automatically assigned to each new padlet created within the account.

If you are not an admin but you still have padlet creating abilities - you can modify your Content moderation settings within each padlet's Settings panel. In other words, the default settings can be overridden.

What is moderated?

There are so many things that go into making a padlet. So, which specific parts of a padlet will our Safety Net monitor for inappropriate content?

Posts and comments

Posts - and comments left on posts - that are detected as inappropriate by our Safety Net AI moderation system will be flagged for approval. Posts deemed inappropriate will be blocked, and an email notification will be sent to the owner/admin of the padlet. They can decide whether to accept or reject the post.

Example of what the person commenting will see when their post/comment is flagged for approval/rejection.

Example of what the padlet owner/moderator will see when content is flagged for approval.

Users who have access to the padlet but are not awaiting approval on a post will not see either of the above examples. To these users - these posts simply do not exist.
To opt-in to receive notifications for flagged comments - click your account name/avatar in the top-right corner of your dashboard > Settings > Notifications > General > New comment submission.
Audio/Video Transcription

If your Content moderation is set to Auto, your audio and video files will also be monitored and flagged for inappropriate content. Currently, this is only for the audio attachments and the dialogue of video attachments. The visual component of videos is not currently moderated.


Images attached to posts are now required to go through our Safety Net AI moderation system when the Auto option is selected. This includes images that are commented on posts! If the image posted is questionable, the owner/moderator of the padlet will receive an alert requesting approval or rejection.

Categories of Auto moderation

Posts and comments that match the categories below (and the admin has checked the corresponding box) will require approval when moderation is set to Auto.

  • Sexual - Strong references to sexual material or nudity
  • Violence - Serious, realistic threats or mentions of violence
  • Bullying - Slurs, threats, encouraging self-harm
  • Drugs - Promoting, advertising or encouraging drug use
  • Weapons - Buying, selling, trading and constructing weapons
  • Profanity - Using inappropriate words or phrases
  • Child safety - Threats of physical violence to children in a school setting
To use the 'Auto moderation categories' selected by your admin, you will need to ensure your Content moderation settings in your padlet's Settings panel is set to Auto. It will not use these without Auto enabled.

Manual moderation


When a non-admin posts on a board with Manual Content moderation, their posts will look like this until approved. This is what the user that has added the post will see.

Below is what the board owner and admins will see.

Once you approve the posts, everyone will be able to see them.


When a non-admin posts in a Sandbox with Manual Content moderation, their posts will look like this until approved. This is what the user that has added the post will see. The dotted line is how it will appear after you have clicked off of the post. If you click on the post before it has been approved, it will show 'Awaiting approval' above it.

Below is what the Sandbox owner and admins will see.

Seeing a dotted line in a Sandbox you've created with Manual moderation indicates an object in need of your approval. Click on the object and a menu will appear allowing you to Reject or Approve the post. Once you approve the posts, everyone will be able to see them.

If you want to keep an eye on what is posted to your padlet - this is a good feature for you to use!


What kind of content will the Auto option flag?
Our Auto moderation is powered by Safety Net AI. It will block posts with content that contains bullying, violence, drugs, hate, self-harm, sex, weapons, profanity, and more.
If I use Auto, are inappropriate posts guaranteed to be blocked?
No. Auto will not automatically block everything related to inappropriate subjects. We tried to tune our Safety Net AI so that it blocks everything genuinely unsuitable for school without limiting productive engagement. For example, Safety Net will not block any mention of drugs, but it will block text that explicitly promotes, advertises, or encourages drug use.
Why aren't my posts showing up?
If the padlet you're posting on has Moderation set to Manual, the post will need to be approved by the padlet creator or an admin before publishing.
What happens when the content on my padlet is flagged as inappropriate?
The post will be blocked and the padlet creator and those with admin rights will receive a notification via email to inform them that the post needs to be approved or rejected.

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