Remake a padlet

Use the remake tool to create copies of padlets. Then you can customize your copy without impacting the original.

Remakes are great if you teach several classes. Just make one beautiful padlet and remake it for each class. They are also useful if you find a padlet that you want to use or a Template you want to customize. Save time with remakes!

Auto-remake is a great feature to use if you prefer students to work on their own copy of a padlet automatically! No need to tell students to click the Remake button when visiting your padlet. Use Auto-remake links and a Remake will automatically be created when a student visits your padlet link!

Remake a padlet

First, log into your Padlet account. Then, open the padlet you want to remake and click the Remake button in the action bar.



Unable to click the Remake button? The owner of the padlet has turned remakes OFF. You will need to contact them if you want to remake their padlet.

When you remake a padlet, you can change the title and description of your copy, and you can choose whether to copy the posts of the padlet. If you are a member of any teams, you can also choose which account the remake will be associated with.

If you are the creator or an administrator of the padlet you are remaking, you can choose whether to copy the people and privacy as well as if the copied posts will still be attributed to their original authors.

Once you remake the padlet, you will have a duplicate that you can customize and edit without impacting the original version.

Not sure which options to choose? Learn more about remake options.
We value intellectual property rights. Do not use Remake to plagiarize. Read more in our content policy.

Prevent remakes

If you do not want others to remake or copy your padlet, you can turn the option off. Log into your Padlet account and go to the padlet you do not want to be remade. Open the Settings menu by clicking on the Settings cog icon (⚙️) and go to the Content section. Click on the drop down menu and select Copy protection.

  • Select Disable remakes to prohibit visitors from remaking the padlet.
  • Click Disable all to keep users from remaking the padlet, downloading the content and exporting the padlet.

Now, only you and other administrators of the padlet can remake it.


What options should I choose from the remake menu?
It depends on your goal! Learn more about remake options.
How will I know if someone remakes my padlet?
You can be notified when someone remakes your padlet. From your dashboard, click on your account name in the upper-right corner of the screen > Settings > Notifications. Under General > Activity, you can opt into push or email notifications when your padlet is remade by someone.
Someone copied my padlet. Can Padlet take it down or delete it?
We value intellectual property rights. If a remade padlet violates our Content Policy, please contact us with a link to the padlets. If you do not want your padlets to be copied, we provide a way to prevent remakes, which we encourage you to use.
I remade a padlet. Why can't my students post on it?
You may need to adjust your padlet's 'Visitor permissions.' Go to the remade padlet and click the Share arrow > 'Link privacy.' Make sure the 'Visitor permissions' are set to Writer if you want your students to post on your padlet.
I am a member of a Padlet for Schools account. Can I remake padlets?
Padlet for Schools accounts at Yes! Just click the Remake button and choose the correct account at the top of the menu to choose where to remake the padlet into.

Padlet for Schools accounts at Yes, but you can only remake padlets that are in your Padlet for Schools account. This is because your Padlet for Schools account is like a silo: padlets created inside the silo can be remade, but padlets created outside of the silo cannot. If you want to remake a non-Padlet for Schools padlet into your Padlet for Schools account at, you can remake it with your personal account at first and then import it into your Padlet for Schools account. If you need help with this process, please contact us.
I only have a account. Can I remake a padlet created inside of a Padlet for Schools account?
Padlet for Schools accounts at Yes! Just click the Remake button and choose the correct account at the top of the menu to choose where to remake the padlet into.

Padlet for Schools accounts at No. You must be a member of the Padlet for Schools account to remake a padlet within the organization.

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