OneRoster Rostering
Adding and managing students in your Padlet for Schools account has never been easier! To get started with OneRoster Rostering for your school, follow the steps below!
Set up OneRoster Rostering
Admins can opt to connect to a OneRoster server using OneRoster's API and you can use any sign in method you want! To allow us to connect to your school's roster, simply contact us here and provide the following connection credentials:
- Endpoint URL: URL where your OneRoster API is accessible for the school's roster
- Client ID that is used to connect to the school's roster through the OneRoster API
- Client Secret that is used to connect to the school's roster through the OneRoster API
Once we have connected - we can enable rostering for you!
When rostering is turned on, admins can no longer use the Manage people/Members page within their Padlet account to modify users. User management will now take place on the external rostering system. To learn more about user management alongside external rostering systems >> Click me!
🌟Initial syncing of users from the roster to the account will take place when rostering is turned ON. It will be updated once a day after that.🌟