LMS resources

You have arrived at your destination of all things LMS! Learn how to set it up, turn on grade passback, enable role provisioning, etc. Below are all the resources to help you use Padlet with LMS integrations.

Connect your LMS

Set up your LMS according to the appropriate instructions below.

Be mindful that there are two different sets of instructions for each LMS -- one for padlet.org accounts and one for padlet.com accounts. Be sure to choose the right one according to your specific LMS.







Grade passback

Do note: LTI integration only allows for adding padlets as assignments. If you want to add padlets elsewhere within your LMS, please use the embed feature.
For itsLearning and Schoology, grade passback will need to be set up through an app on your platform.

Role provisioning

For itsLearning and Schoology, role provisioning will need to be set up through an app on your platform.

Automatic user group provisioning

Additional information


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