Sync grade passback on Padlet to your LMS

Gradebook lets you grade posts directly from your Padlet board and sync them to your LMS! Keep reading to learn how to get started.
Set up grade passback
- Add your board to an assignment
To access the Gradebook on Padlet, you would need to first add your board to an assignment on your LMS.
Please refer to the following articles on how to do so depending on your school's chosen LMS:
- Canvas
For accounts at, click here.
For accounts at, click here.
- Brightspace
For accounts at, click here.
For accounts at, click here.
- Blackboard
For accounts at, click here.
For accounts at, click here.
- Schoology
For accounts at, click here.
For accounts at, click here.
- itsLearning
For accounts at, click here.
For accounts at, click here.
- Moodle
For accounts at, click here.
For accounts at, click here.
- Go back to your Padlet board
After a board has been added to your LMS, head back to your Padlet board on your Padlet for Schools account and click the three-dot ellipsis button (...) found on the right side. Then, select Gradebook.

- Fill out the Gradebook menu
Gradebook menu
On this menu, you will see several options:
- Max score: Set the maximum score attainable for each post.
- Grade calculation: Choose to grade using the Average score or Highest score.
Using the Average score is most useful for peer-to-peer grading, where multiple scores may be given to the same post.
Using the Highest score is most useful for teacher-to-student grading, where only one final score will be given to a post.

- Sync grades to LMS: Sync grades from Padlet to your LMS assignment.
- Grades: Leave additional feedback and final grading.

- Submit your grades
Once you've filled out the Gradebook menu and it has been completed and finalized, you can head back to 'Sync grades to LMS' and turn the setting ON and click on Submit. This will sync grades to the LMS.

- Check grades on LMS
Heading back to the Gradebook on your LMS, you should be able to see the synced grades.
Here's an example of how it would look:

Common issue
The Sync grades to LMS button is not showing up on your padlet. Troubleshoot with these tips:
- Be sure that your padlet is added as an assignment within your LMS first (not embedded).
- Ensure that grading has been enabled within your LMS. You can find the corresponding articles for each LMS that we support here:
- Canvas
- Brightspace
- Blackboard
- Moodle
- Schoology (using -- Coming soon!
- Schoology (using
- itsLearning (using
- itsLearning (using
- If grading was not enabled initially, but is now enabled after following the steps, remove the padlet from your course and then re-add it.
- Once everything is set up correctly, refresh your padlet and the button should show up.