All Categories > Padlet Sandbox
Learn about Padlet Sandbox - an interactive whiteboard perfect for collaboration and fun!
Updated 2 months ago by Rana Wilds
Learn more about Padlet Sandbox, our Jamboard alternative.
Updated 2 months ago by Julia Carnes
Create a magical place to learn and collaborate - all while having fun! Learn about the Padlet Sandbox tools provided and how to use them.
Updated 6 seconds ago by Rana Wilds
Choose which tools appear in your sandbox with the new allowed tools setting.
Updated 14 seconds ago by Julia Carnes
There are two different "backgrounds" you can change within Sandbox: The wallpaper of the entire screen and the background on each card you create.
Updated 38 seconds ago by Rana Wilds
Group objects together in your Sandbox so that you can move them around simultaneously!
Updated 1 month ago by Rana Wilds
Everything has a place - and a lot of times we prefer it to stay that way. So, let's talk about securing objects that are located in your sandbox so they cannot be moved or edited!
Inserting an image to Padlet sandbox is super simple! Follow the steps to get started.
Learn how to import your jams from Google Jamboard into Padlet.
Whiteboard, create lessons, and design activities using drawing, writing, and media.