What is Padlet Sandbox?

Where do you find the coolest kids at the park?

Playing in the sandbox, of course!

A sandbox is a place where you can share secrets, interact with others, create unique sand castles, and be free! The same is true for Padlet Sandbox. Draw, create, and play in real-time with others! No need to feel restricted or confined to a small space - just let your mind run free.

What is Padlet Sandbox?

At its simplest level, a sandbox is a collaborative whiteboard.

When you start a sandbox, you are presented with a blank card. On this card, you can add drawings, record videos and upload files. You can invite other people to do the same.

To make things more interesting, you can add more cards to your sandbox, draw and collaborate on them, and play them on a slideshow.

If you want to get really creative, you can add interactivity to your sandbox using hyperlinks. For example, you can use a sandbox to make games like Jeopardy.

We built a Jamboard importer so you can move your boards to Padlet in minutes.

How can I access Padlet Sandbox?

If you want to explore the possibilities of Padlet Sandbox, check out some examples!

Click the + Make button in the header at the top of your dashboard. Next, click See examples in the Blank sandbox area.

Here, you will see a handful of example sandboxes. Click on the picture to see a picture of the sandbox or click on Open sandbox (at the bottom of one of the examples) to reveal the interactive sandbox.

Create a sandbox

If you're ready to create your own sandbox, click the + Make button in the header at the top of your dashboard and click on Blank sandbox.


Is Padlet Sandbox an alternative for Google Jamboard?
Yes, Padlet Sandbox can be used as an alternative to Jamboard. It has all the Jamboard features.
What browsers are currently supported?
Padlet Sandbox is supported by all major browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge.
Is Padlet Sandbox available on mobile?
Yes! For the best experience, we recommend the mobile app.

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