Sandbox tools
Create a magical place to learn and collaborate - all while having fun! Learn about the Padlet Sandbox tools provided and how to use them!
Getting started
Draw mode vs. Play mode
At the top of the page, next to the title of your Sandbox, you will see 2 buttons: Draw and Play.
Use Draw mode when creating or editing cards within your Sandbox. Draw mode displays all of the Sandbox tools needed to make your masterpiece.
Play mode gets rid of all the extra distractions and is great for creating lessons, storybooks and presentations. The focus in this mode is on consumption, rather than creation. No need to worry about accidentally moving something.
General tools
On the top-right of your screen you will see the tools needed for Remaking your Sandbox, Sharing it with others, your Settings and your user menu. These are what you are used to seeing while making boards with Padlet.

Learn more about these tools here:
Sandbox tools
Card deck
Lets get to the fun stuff!
Your cards will be displayed on the left-hand side of your screen. Create multiple cards by selecting the plus (+) button at the top of your card deck. To rearrange the cards, drag and drop the cards into your preferred order or click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) and choose to:
- Move before/after
- Add a card above/below

Card limits
Your plan type determines the number of cards that can be created in your Sandbox.
For example, when using a free account, you can add up to 20 cards in one Sandbox -- and if you are subscribed to our Team Gold plan, you can add up to 100 cards per Sandbox. See below for each subscription type.

Override your Sandbox Permissions
Not only can you assign 'Visitor permissions' for the whole Sandbox - but you can assign different 'Visitor permissions' for each individual card! This works great when there are two or three cards you'd like your students to post on but would prefer the others be read-only.
To assign an individual card specific permissions, click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) next to the card and choose Sharing & permissions.

Now, next to 'Permissions,' click the drop-down menu and make your selection!

Tool menu
Your tool menu is located on the right side of your Sandbox. Here you can draw, add text and shapes, sticky notes or use the pointer during a presentation! Each tool is explained below.

- Select tool (arrow cursor): Select the different objects on your card to move or resize them. You can even click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) that appears to move objects to the front/back, duplicate them or freeze them in place!
- Pointer: Making a presentation? Use the pointer tool just as you would an old-school pointer stick on a chalkboard! -- And now I've just revealed my age -- Trust me, the pointer tool we have is much cooler!
- Draw: I bet you can't guess what this is for! Click the Draw tool to create something greater than Leonardo Da Vinci, himself, can even imagine -- or -- if you're like me, the best stick figure known to human existence.
You can also use the highlighter tool to make important content stand out or the eraser tool when your stickman isn't quite what you thought it would be.
- Text: Type a story or add colorful text to your cards.
- Note: Create colorful sticky notes! Add text or small pictures, rotate and duplicate them! To duplicate a sticky note quickly, click the arrow on the side! Note: Only the sticky notes themselves are duplicated (nothing added to them).
- Geometry: Include different shapes on your card - use different colors - different backgrounds - create a fun space to encourage learning!

- Connectors: Use connector arrows!
- Attachments: Click the attachments tool (shown below) to reveal all the attachment options available for you to use. We've got nearly everything covered including Spotify links, YouTube videos, AI generated images and more!

- Undo/redo: Use these tools when you've made a mistake and need a quick fix!
Additional tools
- Special effects
While in Draw mode, click on an object on your card and choose the fx button. Add a sound or visual effect from the menu! Read more about special effects here!

- Linking
Link cards together or add a link to a website! While in Draw mode, click on an object on your card and choose either the link icon or the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) and then choose Add link.

Select Link to card or Link to webpage. This will enable a clickable link that will direct you to that card or webpage when viewing your Sandbox in Play mode.

- Grouping
Group objects together so that you can choose to move them around simultaneously rather than one at a time!
Select multiple objects in your Sandbox (using the Command key on a Mac or the Ctrl key on a PC) and then right-click to reveal the user menu. Select Group.