Remove users from an organization account

People come and people go, we totally get it. Let's not make this goodbye harder than it has to be :(

If you are using an external rostering system (such as ClassLink, OneRoster, Clever, or the Google for Education App) - click here to learn more about how to manage users within the account.

Removing users

Removing a single user

To remove a single user from your account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your account name in the top-right corner of your dashboard and then click Manage people.
  1. Find the user you would like to remove and click View.
You can also click anywhere within the same row as the user and it will bring up the correct menu.
  1. Click Delete and enter the 4-digit code to confirm.
  2. Click Delete once more.

When deleting a user from your account, you are deleting all of their work, too - including padlets and posts. This is permanent so be cautious!

Bulk user removal

Removing a single user is one thing but when you have several to delete -- this can become a very tedious task! There is a much quicker way!

  1. Click on your account name in the top-right corner of your dashboard and then click Manage People.
  1. At the top, click on Bulk Select Users.
  1. Enter the list of usernames or emails of the users you'd like to remove. Be sure to only include one entry per line for this to work correctly.
  2. Once you're done, hit the Review button.
  1. If everything is working as it should, you will see the screenshot below.
  1. Click Delete Users and confirm you have the correct users listed.
  1. Click Continue and enter the 4-digit code to confirm.
  1. Click Delete once more.
When deleting users from your account, you are deleting all of their work, too - including padlets and posts. This is permanent so be cautious!

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