User roles

If you have an individual Padlet account, there's just one user: You! But if you are part of a Team or School account, you will be assigned a user role.

Read on to learn more about the different Padlet user roles.


Teams have four roles: Owner, Admin, Maker and Contributor. You must purchase a license for each Owner, Admin and Maker. Contributors are included for free. Here's a breakdown of each role.


Owner ($)

Admin ($)

Maker ($)

Contributor (free)

View Team padlets

Post on Team padlets

Create Team padlets

Manage users

Manage billing

Delete Team

If you have a paid Team Gold plan and you add more Admins and Makers to your account, you will be billed automatically (within 24 hours) for the additional users.

Padlet for Schools

Padlet for Schools is our plan for schools. It includes four roles: Owner, Admin, Teacher and Student. Go to our subscriptions page and request a quote or demo to learn more! In the meantime, here's a breakdown of each role.

The Student column refers to licensed students in your Padlet for Schools account. (Licenced = signs in to a Padlet account)

If your students do not have licenses (they do not login to a Padlet account), they can still view and post on Padlet for Schools' padlets, but their posts will be anonymous. They also will not be able to create their own padlets.






Access account analytics

Manage account settings

Manage billing

Manage users


Create Padlet for Schools padlets



Post on Padlet for Schools padlets

View Padlet for Schools padlets

*These features are available by default, but the account Owner and all Admins can set permissions for these roles that would remove access to these features.


I'm ready to start a Team. How do I get started?
I'm ready to start a Padlet for Schools account. How do I get started?

If you want to learn more about these plans, check out our subscriptions page or contact us! We'd be delighted to help you with your decision.

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