Common Padlet terms
Updated 6 days ago
Carla Sese
- Attribution: Post attribution shows the name of the post author. A post author will be marked as 'anonymous' if they are not logged into their account.
- Avatar: Your avatar is your profile image found on the top-right corner of a padlet or next to the title.
- Awaiting approval: When this message appears over your post it means your post will be reviewed by the padlet Owner or Moderator. Once approved, it will show up on the padlet board or within your Sandbox for everyone to see!
- Backpack (Now known as Padlet for Schools): It is a premium plan designed specifically for schools. It offers an exclusive environment for teachers and students to collaborate.
- Board: The original concept of a padlet you've all come to know and love. Make posts, create presentations and compile a collection of information on padlet boards.
- Bookmark: You are able to bookmark any padlet to save it on your account in the Bookmarks tab.
- Collaborator: A user you directly invite to participate on your padlet.
- Connector: Use connectors to form an association between posts. It is an option available in the Canvas format.
- Contributor: General -It refers to anyone on the internet who gets access to a padlet. Contributors may or may not have a Padlet account. Within a Team Gold account - A free member role in a Team Gold account that cannot create their own padlets but can post on others' padlets.
- Cover image: Cover images are a tool used to assign a preview image for a board.
- Creator: The padlet Owner. The one who 'created' the padlet.
- Format: Refers to the board's layout. Options include Canvas, Timeline, Map, Stream, Wall, Shelf, and Grid. The format may or may not include Sections.
- Gold: An upgraded version of the free, Neon Plan. It allows users to create up to 20 padlets and bigger file uploads.
- Icon: The icon is an image that displays next to the padlet title. You can choose from dozens of emojis or add your own icon for a better representation of the padlet's topic.
- Maker: A paying member role in a Team Gold account that can create padlets.
- Member: A member is a contributor explicitly invited to add to a padlet.
- Modify: It is represented by the Settings cog icon (⚙️). It is a tool used to change the title, description, wallpaper, post features, etc.
- Neon: Neon is the free version of Padlet. Users sometimes call it 'Basic' or 'Vanilla.'
- padlet: A padlet can be one of two things - A digital board or a collaborative Sandbox. Both versions of a padlet allow you to post content online to hold discussions, collaborate, make presentations and share with others.
- Padlet for Schools (previously known as Backpack): It is a premium plan designed specifically for schools. It offers an exclusive environment for teachers and students to collaborate.
- Post: It can be a text, photo, video, drawing, or gif. Any content added to a padlet is referred to as a post.
- Platinum: The premium version for individual plans. It allows unlimited padlets, bigger file uploads, etc.
- Profile page: The profile page displays a user's avatar, bio, and public padlets.
- Public: To make a padlet available for search engines, choose Public for privacy settings.
- Reactions: Tool to enable quantitative post feedback. Options include stars, likes, and votes.
- Remake: To copy a padlet.
- Sandbox: A collaborative whiteboard where you can create interactive games, storybooks and presentations.
- Secret: This privacy option allows contributors to access a padlet as long as they have the link. No registration is required.
- Sections: A way to group the posts on your padlet boards. You can enable them when you first create a board or later on from the Settings panel.
- Slideshow: The easiest way to make presentations! Just create a board and click the play button in the action bar.
- Team: Group plan for businesses or organizations that allow multiple users to share one dashboard. A 30-day free trial is available to try before purchasing.
- User: A user can also be known as a contributor or guest collaborating on a padlet.