Use Padlet for free

There is a free version of Padlet at When you Sign up, you can choose the free Neon plan.


Here's what you can enjoy with the Neon plan:

  • 3 fully customizable padlets
  • All the awesomeness of Padlet! (Multimedia posts, real-time collaboration, sharing options and access to multiple devices)
  • All format options
  • 20MB limit for posting files (you can post as many as you want, as long as they are less than 20MB per upload)
  • Slideshows - Create beautiful presentations in one click!
  • Infinite wall size - A padlet can be expanded without limits.
  • Immortal walls - As long as the content abides by our Content Policy, padlets don't expire despite inactivity.
  • Custom domain - Make it easy for people to find and remember your padlet by using a custom domain. Just contact our support team for assistance.

If you're ready to sign up or want to compare the free option to your paid options you can do all that on the Subscriptions page.

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