Upload limitations for different plan types

There are different upload limits for each plan type. There are also different upload limits depending on the type of attachments you include in your posts.


Attachments include any files/media you attach to your posts that are on your device or an outside source (such as YouTube or a website). The upload limit for these can be found under 'Attachments / Files' in the table below.

Attachments located in the content picker include Upload, Link, Spotify and more!


Audio and Video recordings made using Padlet's Audio/Video Booth have certain time limits. You can find the Audio/Video Booth by clicking your plus (+) button to add a post and clicking Video recorder or Audio recorder.

The Screen recorder option also falls under this category.
To find the Audio/Video Booth option within a Sandbox, click the attachment button in the tool menu on the right side of the screen.

Upload limits for each plan

Audio/Video recordings and file attachment limits are based upon two things:

1. Plan type of the padlet creator where the post will be located

2. How the audio/video was recorded

If the recording was created using Padlet's Audio/Video Booth or Screen recorder: Limits are determined by length of time.

If the recording/file was created from an outside source or uploaded from your device: Limits are determined by file size.

Plan Type
Attachments / Files

(from your device or outside source)


(using Padlet's Audio Booth)


(using Padlet's Video Booth or Screen recorder)

Neon / free

20MB per upload

5 minutes

2 minutes


100MB per upload

10 minutes

5 minutes


500MB per upload

30 minutes

15 minutes

Team (Gold)

1GB per upload

60 minutes

30 minutes


1GB per upload

60 minutes

30 minutes

Padlet for Schools

1GB per upload

60 minutes

30 minutes

The limits for uploads created using Audio/Video Booth are based on the plan that the padlet creator belongs to.

For example, User A has a Neon plan and User B has a Platinum plan. User A can post up to 30 minutes of a recording using Audio Booth on a padlet that User B created.

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