From Backpack to Padlet for Schools
What is all this talk about Padlet for Schools? And why has my plan changed from Backpack to Padlet for Schools?
What is it?
Padlet for Schools is the fresh, new face of what you have previously known as Padlet Backpack. New features and add-ons have been implemented to enhance your learning experience!
- Over 250 templates are now at your disposal for quick and inspired starts
- Create with AI for effortless and innovative content creation
- Free LMS integration to streamline your digital classroom
- Expanded admin controls for better management and oversight
- Padlet Sessions for continuous learning and professional development
What's new?
Take a peek at where you can find our most updated features here!
We’ve introduced a flexible pricing model based on active teachers, offering adaptability to your school’s needs. For those with higher usage, our site license provides unlimited access at a volume discount.
For Schools interested in Padlet for Schools: You can request a quote to get started. We will be happy to provide a usage report for your organization and explore the best options.
For Current Padlet Backpack Users: Your account has already been updated with all these new features. There’s no action required on your part - you’re all set to explore and enjoy!
Contact Customer Support with any other questions you may have. We're always happy to help!