Export a padlet

Johannes Gutenberg changed the world forever in 1440 when he invented the printing press. With the instructions below, you can change the world forever by exporting your padlet into a printable or otherwise static version.

Accessing the export options


  1. Open your board and click the Share arrow in the action bar.
  1. Scroll down to the Export options.
  1. Click your preferred file format and adjust the settings if needed.


  1. Open your Sandbox and click the Share arrow located in the top-right corner of the screen.
  1. Scroll down to the Export options.

  1. Click your preferred file format and adjust the settings if needed.

Available export options

Export as image

Click Export as image and then customize what you'd like the export to include! Then, click Generate.

You can also export your board using filters! Sort and filter your posts and choose whether to export the full board or just the current view.

Export as image will export your padlet as a PNG file. To save the file, right click the image and then select Save image as...

Export a portion of your board as an image

Sometimes you'd rather only export certain portions of your board. If you use your filter, you can choose to either export the full board or only what is showing!

Exporting your Sandbox as images will download your cards into a .zip file!

Export as PDF (boards)

When you choose Export as PDF for a board, you will need to choose your preferred page size and orientation. You will also need to decide if you'd like a Handout or Slides. Then, click Generate to complete the export.

A Handout will generate your padlet just as it sounds - with your posts on a paper. Slides will generate each slide on a page in PDF form. With Slides you can decide if you'd like the background included or excluded.

Once the PDF loads in a new tab, click the download button in the upper-right corner.

The attachments of your exported PDF are fully functional, so you can click any attachment to load it in a new window.

Export as PDF (Sandbox)

Choose between Screen (which produces a beautifully created PDF perfect for sharing virtually) or Printing to distribute a physical copy.

Include a QR code for others to easily access your padlet!

Save as CSV

This will download your board as a CSV file. You can use Numbers on a Mac or Microsoft Excel to open this file.

When exporting as a CSV file, we will include timestamps for your posts. The timestamps will be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Save as CSV is not available for Sandboxes.

Export as Excel spreadsheet

This will download your board as an XLSX spreadsheet file. This exported spreadsheet will contain as many as four detailed worksheets depending on the contents of your board: Posts, Comments, Reactions and Summary. Attachments that have been posted to the board will be linked directly on the exported spreadsheet.

When exporting as an Excel file, we will include timestamps for your posts. The timestamps will be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Save as Excel spreadsheet is not available for Sandboxes.


Select this option to print your padlet! You can choose the printer destination, orientation and other options at this time.

Download all files (Beta users)

Click Download all files to save all of the attachments from your padlet in a .zip file!

This export option is not yet available for non-Beta users or Sandboxes.


Why should I export my padlet?
You can print the final version of your padlet to display on a bulletin board. If you are a teacher, you might find it easier to grade your students' submissions with an Excel file.
I exported my padlet as a CSV/Excel. Why are the timestamps wrong?
If you export your padlet as a CSV or Excel file, we will include timestamps for the posts. The timestamps will be in UTC or Coordinated Universal Time. This is due to the processor we use to export the padlets. To see the timestamps in your local time zone, open the activity panel and hover over the shortened timestamp.
Okay, but I really need my timestamps to be in my time zone. Is there a formula to correct them?
Absolutely. If you exported your padlet as an Excel file and want the timestamps to match your timezone, you can work a little Excel magic.

In a new cell, add this formula: =(LEFT(E7,19) - 8/24) -> You will need to customize two parts of this formula.

First, you should replace E7 with whichever cell you want to convert.

Second, you will need to adjust the end of the formula (-8/24) so it matches your time zone. I'm in California, which follows PST. UDT is 8 hours ahead of PST, so I am subtracting 8 hours. If you are in EST, you would change the end of the formula to -5/24. If you are ahead of UDT—say, in Sydney—you may need to add hours instead. For Sydney, the formula would end +11/24.

Once you add this formula, the cell should populate with a number.

To convert this number to the timestamp, go to Format > Cells > Number > Time and choose one of the last two options. Now you should see the timestamp in your time zone! If you have a simpler formula, drop us a line.
Why can't I export someone else's padlet?
The creator of the padlet may have this feature disabled to protect their content from being shared. You can read more about Copy protection here!

If you have any questions about exporting your padlet, please contact us!

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