Share a padlet with users outside our organization

Padlets created with a Padlet for Schools account are slightly different to the ones you make in your personal account. They are Secret by default which means that only the owner can access the padlet they have created -- until shared.

If you are a Padlet for Schools member (meaning your domain ends in and want to share a padlet with a non-member seamlessly, you can make changes to the padlet's Settings to allow access as a first step.

  1. Click the Share arrow icon at the top-right of your padlet.
  2. Change 'Link privacy' to Secret (this means your padlet will be available for anyone with the link).
  3. Click 'Visitor permissions' to assign access capabilities (No access, Reader, Commenter, Writer, Moderator). Read more about Visitor permission options.

You can now publish and share the padlet with anyone -- registration not required! Here are a bunch of ways one can publish and invite people to access a padlet.

Because the users aren't in the same organization as you, they'll show up as 'Anonymous.' We suggest informing them that they need to indicate their names on their posts :)


Why can't I add users outside of my organization as a collaborator?
Unfortunately, because Padlet for Schools accounts are intended to be a private environment, you can't add users that are outside of your organization as collaborators on the padlet. This doesn't mean outside users can't contribute to your padlet, though! Just make sure your 'Visitor permissions' are set to Writer and the users you share your padlet with (inside or outside the organization) can contribute to your padlet!

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