Share a padlet with users inside our organization

Padlet for Schools accounts (at

Padlets created with a Padlet for Schools account at are slightly different to the ones you make in any other account. If your Padlet for Schools account domain ends in and you want to share a padlet with a member of your organization, you can make changes to the padlet's Share settings to allow access.

Share with everyone

To allow your padlet to be accessed by everyone within your organization, you can change the Share settings as follows:

  1. Open the padlet you'd like to share.
  2. Click the Share arrow in the panel on the right-hand side of the padlet.
  3. Next to 'Link privacy,' click the drop-down menu and select Org only.

Display on the dashboard

If you'd like your padlet to be automatically shown on the shared dashboard for your organization, be sure to toggle the button ON next to 'Display on org dashboard.'

  1. Open the padlet you'd like to share.
  2. Click the Share arrow in the panel on the right-hand side of the padlet.
  3. Toggle the button ON next to 'Display on org dashboard.'
If you do not see the 'Display on org dashboard' option or it is greyed out, it is not available for the 'Link privacy' option you've selected -- OR -- the Owner or someone with Admin permissions has changed the available 'Link privacy' options for the account. You will need to contact them to request its availability.

Share without requiring a login

If you want to easily share padlets without having contributors enter usernames and passwords, just change your settings to Secret for your padlet. Now you can share the link directly with those you'd like to have access.

  1. Open the padlet you'd like to share.
  2. Click the Share arrow in the panel on the right-hand side of the padlet.
  3. Next to 'Link privacy,' click the drop-down menu and select Secret.
  4. Copy and share the padlet URL with your users.

Add collaborators

Adding collaborators to your padlet is a great way to grant individual permissions. For instance, if you'd like your padlet set to Commenter (so that users can only make comments on the padlet's posts) but there are a few people you'd like to have Writer permissions, you can add them as a collaborator to grant them their own unique permissions. Learn how to add collaborators to your padlet here!

Collaborators must be a member of the Padlet for Schools account.

Share with a group

If there is a group of people you constantly find yourself sharing padlets with - or a certain class you'd like to quickly and easily share your creations with, create a group!

Creating a group is the easiest way to share with multiple users at one time. Click here to learn how to create a group for your specific case. Once your group is created, you can share with your group by adding them from your 'Add a collaborator' field.

All Share options are controlled by the Owner of the Padlet for Schools account. If you do not see an option available to you, please contact the Owner or someone with Admin permissions to request access. They can find information on how to do this here.
To share padlets with users outside of your organization, click here!

Padlet for Schools accounts (at

Share with everyone

To allow your padlet to be accessed by everyone within your organization, you can change the Share settings as follows:

  1. Open the padlet you'd like to share.
  2. Click the Share arrow in the panel on the right-hand side of the padlet.
  3. Next to 'Link privacy,' click the drop-down menu and select School only.

Display on the dashboard

If you'd like your padlet to be automatically shown on the shared dashboard for your organization, be sure to toggle the button ON next to 'Display on school dashboard.'

  1. Open the padlet you'd like to share.
  2. Click the Share arrow in the panel on the right-hand side of the padlet.
  3. Toggle the button ON next to 'Display on school dashboard.'

Share without requiring a login

If you want to easily share padlets without having contributors enter usernames and passwords, just change your settings to Secret for your padlet. Now you can share the link directly with those you'd like to have access.

  1. Open the padlet you'd like to share.
  2. Click the Share arrow in the panel on the right-hand side of the padlet.
  3. Next to 'Link privacy,' click the drop-down menu and select Secret.
  4. Copy and share the padlet URL with your users.

Add collaborators

Adding collaborators to your padlet is a great way to grant individual permissions. For instance, if you'd like your padlet set to Commenter (so that users can only make comments on the padlet's posts) but there are a few people you'd like to have Writer permissions, you can add them as a collaborator to grant them their own unique permissions. Learn how to add collaborators to your padlet here!

With a Padlet for Schools account at, collaborators can be users within your organization or someone outside of the school! As long as they have a Padlet account, they can be added as a collaborator.

Share with a group

If there is a group of people you constantly find yourself sharing padlets with - or a certain class you'd like to quickly and easily share your creations with, create a group!

Creating a group is the easiest way to share with multiple users at one time. Click here to learn how to create a group for your specific case. Once your group is created, you can share with your group by adding them from your 'Add a collaborator' field.

All Share options are controlled by the Owner of the Padlet for Schools account. If you do not see an option available to you, please contact the Owner or someone with Admin permissions to request access. They can find information on how to do this here.
To share padlets with users outside of your organization, click here!

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