Transfer padlets

Individual, Team, Classroom and Padlet for Schools accounts (at

All personal (individual) accounts, Teams, Classrooms and Padlet for Schools accounts (at are located within the same Padlet space.

If you have an individual account and a Team plan associated with the same email address, both accounts live in the same house -- under the same roof.

To keep things separate, these two accounts have their own "rooms". Your individual account has their own "room" and your Team has a different "room." Padlets made in your individual account cannot be seen by your Team and visa versa.

But what if you want your Team to see them? What if you had inadvertently created your padlets in your individual account but wanted them in your Team account all along? Now you can transfer your padlets right from your own dashboard!

To see how to transfer padlets to and from a Padlet for Schools account (at, see below in the Padlet for Schools accounts (at section.

Where can I transfer my padlets?

Currently, account owners have the ability to transfer padlets from:

  • Their personal account -> Team/Classroom/Padlet for Schools account (tied to the same email).
  • Their Team/Classroom/Padlet for Schools account -> personal account (tied to the same email).
  • Their Team/Classroom/Padlet for Schools account -> another Team/Classroom account (tied to the same email).
To transfer padlets to an outside account (from one personal account to another, for example) or transfer padlets to another user in a separate account, you will need to contact Customer Support for assistance.
Transfer a single padlet

This option is perfect if you only need to transfer one or two padlets!

Follow these steps to transfer a padlet one at a time:

  1. Go to your dashboard and locate the padlet you wish to transfer.
  2. Click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the padlet thumbnail.
  3. Select Transfer padlet.
  4. Select the appropriate account to transfer to.
You can also transfer directly from the opened padlet. Click the three-dot ellipsis button (...) to open the Additional options panel > Transfer board/sandbox.
Transfer multiple padlets

To transfer multiple padlets at once, follow the steps below:

  1. Hold down the mouse button to select multiple padlets.
  2. Click Transfer padlets (at the top).
  3. Select the appropriate account to transfer to.
Learn more about how to use our multi-select feature here!

The URL in the address bar will update automatically before your eyes! Your padlet has been transferred! 🤩

Padlet for Schools accounts (at

Padlet for Schools accounts located at (previously known as Backpack) have a different set of rules.

Transfer padlets from your personal account to your Padlet for Schools account (at

Use the Import tool located within your Padlet for Schools account to move padlets from your personal account to your school account. For instructions on how to use the Import tool, refer here! If you run into any issues, you can always contact us!

Transfer padlets from your Padlet for Schools account (at to your personal account

Due to privacy restrictions, for more information on how to transfer padlets from your Padlet for Schools account to a personal account, please refer to this article.

To completely transfer ownership of a padlet between users in the same Padlet for Schools account, please contact us for help! Otherwise, a copy can be made by using our Remake feature!


Why don't I see the option to transfer my padlets when using the 'multi-selection' option?
You may have accidentally included someone else's padlet while performing this action. You are only able to transfer your own padlets from one account type to another.
I can't transfer any of my padlets! Why not?
This could be for a few different reasons.

- Individual/personal accounts: You must be the creator of the padlet.
- Team accounts: You must have Maker permissions in the Team account you're transferring to.
- The padlet quota in the destination account must not be met yet.

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