Padlet privacy options

When you create a padlet, you can choose a privacy setting to control who can access it. Learn more about each privacy setting to decide which is best for your padlet.

Accessing the privacy settings

You can access your privacy settings by opening the Share menu of any padlet.

Privacy settings

Secret: The padlet is only accessible to the creator of the padlet and any user who has the link. The link will be hidden from Google and public areas of Padlet. To share Secret padlets with others, the owner must invite them through the Share menu.

Secret - Password: The padlet is password protected. The padlet is not searchable, and you need the link to the padlet and the password to access it.

Secret - Log in: Anyone with the link can access the padlet, but they must be logged into their Padlet account. Aside from this extra layer of security, comments and posts will display their author's names when this feature is enabled.

For Padlet for Schools accounts at, this option is available as 'Org only.'
For Team Gold accounts, this option is available as 'Team only.'

Public: The padlet will show up in Google searches and be displayed on your public profile.

Public is not available for Padlet for Schools users that have an account at It is only available for individual users, Teams and Padlet for Schools accounts at

Note: If you are a Padlet for Schools user at and you do not see Public as an option, the Owner has disabled this feature. Contact the Owner to change this.

Org/Team/School only: The padlet can only be accessed by licensed members of your organization or team, and they will be forced to log into their account to access.

Org/Team/School only is not available for individual users. It is only available for Padlet for Schools users and teams.

Org/Team/School only in a Team Gold or Padlet for Schools account takes the place of the Secret - Log in option. This is because Org/Team/School only requires you to be logged in anyway and keeps the padlet within the account -- they're essentially the same.
If you do not see one of the privacy options listed in your Share panel, it has most likely been disabled by the owner/admin of the account. This can only be modified by the account administrator.

Display on org/team/school dashboard

If you choose the Org/Team/School only privacy option, you can also choose to make the padlet visible on the organization/team/school dashboard. If you enable this feature, your padlet will appear in everyone's dashboard within the account. If you do not want everyone in your organization to see your padlet, you should turn this feature OFF.

Visitor permissions

Once you choose your privacy, you can also select your 'Visitor permissions.' These dictate whether visitors can read, write on or edit the padlet.

No access: This will only allow the creator of the padlet access. If anyone should need access to your padlet or you would like a select few people to interact on the padlet, these users will not be permitted unless you invite them as a collaborator.

Reader: If the 'Visitor permissions' is set to Reader, visitors will be in 'read only' mode. Readers will not be allowed to create new posts or comment/react to others' posts.

Commenter: With Commenter permissions, users will not be able to add new posts but can comment and react on others' posts.

Writer: With Writer permissions enabled, users can do everything a Commenter can do but they can also make new posts.

Moderator: Moderators can do everything a Commenter and Writer can do with the added benefit of editing capabilities. This means they can change things such as wallpaper, format, title, etc. Approving and rejecting posts are another advantage of Moderator permissions.

Admin: If a user is added as a collaborator you can give them their own special 'Visitor permissions' from the dropdown menu. All of the permissions are the same as listed in this article except for one additional permission: Admin.

Admins have the same editing permissions as the owner/creator of the padlet - including inviting other collaborators and the capability to delete the padlet.

Be sure whoever you give Moderator or Admin permissions to is someone that can be trusted with your padlet.


Why can't people post on my padlet?
You may want to make sure that 'Visitor permissions' are set to Writer for others to be able to make posts on the padlet.
I want my padlet set so that no one can add posts except for two other people. How can I set this up?
You can give special permissions to select users. To do this, click the Share arrow and change your 'Visitor permissions' to Reader and select the 'Link privacy' you prefer. Next, invite the users (with username or email) in the 'Add a collaborator' field > Invite. In the dropdown menu next to the new user select Writer.
I have my padlet's 'Link privacy' set to Secret-password. Some users are able to bypass the password. Why? Is my padlet still protected?
Yes, the padlet is still protected. There are a few instances where users are able to bypass entering the password. No worries, though! This doesn't happen for random users. This is designed a specific way. Those who are able to bypass the password for a Secret-password padlet are:

*Collaborators you've invited via the 'Add a collaborator' field
*Owner of the individual padlet
*Owners of a Team/Classroom/School
*Admins in a Team/Classroom/School
*Teachers in a Classroom/School

Makers and Contributors (in a Team) and Students (in a Classroom or School) will still need to enter the password to have access to the padlet.

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