Join or leave a team

Are you looking to get started with a Team on Padlet? Or are you ready to strike off on your own? Here's how to join or leave a Team.

Join a team

To join an existing Team you will need an Owner or Admin of that Team to invite you. Learn more about inviting users to your Team.

Leave a team

To leave your Team, start on your dashboard and click on your account name in the top-right corner > Settings.

From your Settings, click Members under your Team name.

On your Team's Members page, select your Team role button. You can find this drop-down menu next to the Team member's name. This is the button thats says your role within the Team. It might say Admin, Maker or Contributor, shown below:

When you select your Team role button, a new window will pop up with the option to Leave the Team, shown below.

Select this option if you're certain you want to leave, confirm your choice, and you're a free Padleteer.

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