Google Workspace for Education App access

If your students use Google to sign into Padlet, Admins need to designate Padlet as a trusted app in their Google Admin console. If Padlet is not marked as a trusted app, users under 18 years of age will not be able to access Padlet. They'll receive an error message that access is blocked.

Steps to enable

  1. Go to the Google Admin console. Under 'App access control,' click Review apps.
  2. Find Padlet and hover over it. Click Configure access.
  3. Check the boxes next to the appropriate org units you'd like to enable access for. Next, click Configure access.
  4. Under 'Scope,' be sure the information is correct and click Next.
  5. Under, 'Access to Google data,' choose the Trusted as your access setting and click Next again.
  6. Click on Change Access and then Confirm.

Additional information

Feel free to review these resources from Google for more information on how to enable access for Padlet:

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