Pin a location on the Map format

Create a map that shows everywhere you've been around the world - complete with pictures and videos of you creating memories there!

Sounds great right?

How about a collaborative padlet for an online course you're taking where everyone can post where they're from?

So, how do you post to a Map? Super simple!

Pin a location

To create a post on a Map, hit the (+) icon on the bottom-right of your padlet. In the panel, you have a couple of pinning options:

1. Type or search a place by name

2. Drag and drop a pin

Once a place is pinned, you can opt to add files to it. It can be text, web links, photos, audio clips, videos and more. Click out of the post to stick the post on the map.

The vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the upper-right corner of the post lets you change the post's color, title and body, and location. You can do other things like connect, transfer or delete the post, too!

Helpful tips

  • Tap the (+) icon in the bottom right corner of the padlet to pin a location.
  • Scroll up to zoom in and down to zoom out. For touch devices, pinch to zoom in and out. 
  • Hold left click and move the cursor around to view other areas of the map.
  • To edit the pin, click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the upper-right corner of the post. Use the same button to delete the pin.
  • When you click the Settings cog icon (⚙️) in the panel on the right, you will be able to select a map style. Options include Satellite, Medieval, Black Metal, Night, and Video Game.

The options for your creations are endless!

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