Copy and transfer posts

After you start putting content on your padlet, you may find that you need to copy the content into other parts of your padlet or onto another.

For example, you may upload an image to one padlet, but realized it is also relevant to another padlet.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options for duplicating content on Padlet.

The padlet Owner and anyone invited as a collaborator with Moderator or Administrator permissions can duplicate/transfer all posts on that padlet. If you were signed in when you posted on the padlet, you should be able to duplicate or transfer your own post.

Duplicate post

When you duplicate a post, you create a copy of it and post it in a different place.

To duplicate a post, click or tap the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the top right corner of the post.

Once the menu opens, select Duplicate post.

The Duplicate post menu will open to the right where you will have three options:

1. Duplicate to a new padlet: This will prompt you to enter a title and subtitle for the new padlet. The post will be copied over once it is created.

2. Duplicate to this padlet: This will simply make a copy of the post onto the original padlet.

3. Pick a padlet: This will allow you to search through your dashboard to pick an already created padlet to copy the post to.

Transfer post

When you transfer a post, you move it from the current padlet and move it to a new location. The post will no longer be available on the original padlet.

To transfer a post, click or tap the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the top right corner of the post.

Once the menu opens, select Transfer post.

The Transfer post menu will open to the right where you will have three options:

1. Transfer to a new padlet: This will prompt you to enter a title and subtitle for the new padlet. The post will be copied over once it is created.

2. Move to another section: If you have sections enabled on your padlet, this option will appear. You have the option to transfer your post to a new section on the same padlet.

3. Pick a padlet: This will allow you to search through your dashboard to pick an already created padlet to transfer the post to.


Who can duplicate or transfer the posts on my padlet?
The creator of the padlet can duplicate or transfer any posts -- even posts they did not write. If any users have been invited to join the padlet with Moderator or Administrator permissions, they will also be able to duplicate or transfer any posts on that padlet. Finally, if the author of a post was logged in when they contributed, they will be able to duplicate or transfer their own post. They will not be able to duplicate or transfer someone else's post or a post made by themselves when they were not logged in.
I added a post but the duplicate/transfer button doesn't show up. Why don't I see those options?
If you were logged into your Padlet account when you posted, you should be able to duplicate or transfer your posts, even if they are on someone else's padlet. If the options do not appear, you were not logged in when you posted. Contact the owner of the padlet for help duplicating or transferring your post.

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