Add a post

Now that your padlet is set up, it's time to begin adding content! ✨

Add a post

  1. Double-tap or click the (+) button on the padlet. If you're using a desktop, you can also type C to open a new post.
  1. Add a title, text, and/or an attachment. Click Publish to post. If you're using a desktop, you can also type Cmd/Ctrl + Enter.

Not seeing a textbox or the (+) icon? The padlet is probably not open for posts. Click here for more info.


For a more striking entry, you can also add media files to your post. Some of the attachment options include images, documents, links, videos, and drawings. You can even use your webcam or device microphone to record a video or sound file. 📸

You can drag and drop files into the padlet to post multiple items at once!

Post Drafts

Posts will autosave as drafts. A draft will remain on its padlet across all devices and sessions. Post drafts appear on the bottom of the padlet screen.

Post drafts will save across sessions and devices, so if you want to attach a file on a different device, you can leave a draft, return to the padlet on a different device, and attach it there.

Schedule a post

You are also able to schedule a post.

  1. To schedule a post, select the clock icon (🕐) in the post composer.
  1. Set your desired posting time. This can be any time in the next year. Select Set time.
  1. Select Schedule.

Pin a post

You can also pin a post to your padlet!

  1. Click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) in the top right corner of the post you want to pin.
  2. Select Pin post!

This will automatically pin your post to the top of the page.


What files can I upload to a padlet?
We accept almost all file formats like .png., .jpg, mp4, .gif and .ppt!
Do I need an account to post on a padlet?
Nope! However, if you post on a padlet without an account, your post will be listed as anonymous.
How many people can post on a padlet?
There's no limit to the number of users you can share a padlet with regardless of the plan you are on. They can even post at the same time! Try the Grid or Wall format if you have multiple people working in a padlet at the same time.
What is the character limit for posts?
The post subject has a character limit of 500. The post body has a character limit of 10,000.
Why can't I post on my own padlet?
Ensure that you are logged in to the account that owns the padlet.
Why can't my students post on my padlet?
Click the Share arrow button on the action bar > 'Visitor permissions' > Writer. Learn more about Privacy and Permissions.
Do I need to refresh to see new posts?
No. New posts should appear in real time. If you need to refresh the page to see new posts, please contact us.
How far in advance can I schedule a post?
One year in advance.

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