Email is taken

We're happy to see you are signing up for a Padlet account! Welcome! 👋

So, you clicked Sign up, entered your email address and pressed Continue. One of three things has most likely happened:

  • You were taken to a place to enter your desired password and finish setting up your account. Yay! It worked!
  • The 'Email is taken' error message was displayed.
  • A pop-up appeared welcoming you back to Padlet.

(Because this is about troubleshooting and error messages - we will focus on the last two possibilities).

Email is taken

What it means

The email address is already associated with a registered Padlet account.

What to do

Go to the Login page and enter the email and password to log in to your account. If you do not remember your password, you can request a password reset link here: or contact a member of our Customer Support team and we can help!

Otherwise, you will need to use a different email to sign up for a new account.

But I know I've never signed up

If you are certain you did not sign up for a Padlet account with this email, you may have been invited to collaborate on a padlet at some point but the invite never reached you. When this happens and you do not currently have an account, your email is 'registered' but not active. Please reach out to us for assistance.

Welcome back

What it means

We have recognized that this email is already associated with a Padlet account.

What to do

Click Continue to log in to be redirected to the Login page. If you would rather sign up with an alternative email, click Nevermind to go back to the Sign-up page to enter a different email.

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