404 - Not found error
What does it mean?

Seeing a '404- Not found' error message on your page saying the page does not exist will make anyone's heart drop. While there is a chance that you're accessing a deleted page, the vast majority of the time, there's a more benign cause:
- A mistyped URL - Check again with the padlet creator if the URL shared is correct.
- Padlet is set to No access - Have you been invited to this padlet? You may need to accept the invitation sent to you via email. Please get in touch with the padlet owner to resend the invitation if you have not received the initial email.
- Padlet is deleted - There's not much we can do in this case, but the padlet owner has likely created a new one that's accessible to everyone. Reach out to the owner to check!
If you are the owner and unable to access your padlet, contact our support team immediately. We'll do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.