Hide posts

Currently, the only way to hide posts from a certain group of users is to use our submission request links (which allow you to hide the entire padlet without the users seeing it before submitting their posts) or breakout links (which allow you to open a specific section to a user without exposing the rest of the sections).

However, there is one other option if you don't want to use the previous two suggestions. If you are the owner of the padlet, you can turn on post moderation. If you do, every time someone tries to post on your padlet, you get to decide whether or not that post appears on your padlet.

Here's how to turn on the require approval feature for your padlet.

How to turn on require approval

Post moderation can be enabled in order to hide unapproved posts. These posts do not display until the padlet owner approves them.

To enable this feature, open the Settings panel by clicking on the Settings cog icon (⚙️) on the right side of your padlet. Next, go to the Content section. Click the dropdown menu next to Moderation and choose from 3 different options: None, Auto or Manual. For this particular use case - you will want to choose Manual. This requires all posts to be approved before it is shown on the padlet.

Settings cog icon (⚙️) > Content > Moderation > Manual

When someone writes a post, it will not appear to others until the creator or an admin of the padlet approves that post.

For example, this is what a padlet would look like to the user who posted the content but it had not been approved by the owner or admin yet:

This is what the padlet would look like to others since the new posts aren't approved:

And this is what you, as the owner of the page, would see:

Once you approve the posts, everyone will be able to see them.

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