Why can't I post on padlet?

For most formats, the (+) icon is at the bottom right side of the padlet. If you're not seeing this icon anywhere on the page, it's possible that you are accessing someone else's padlet and the owner of the page doesn't allow posting (*yet). There's not much you can do for now but it wouldn't hurt to ask the teacher/owner of the padlet permission to write on the padlet. 

I am the owner of the padlet

Check the account that you're logged into and see if the username matches the username on the URL. You might be logged in on an account that is not recognized as the maker of the padlet.

Your username: teamnspire20
URL of padlet: https://padlet.com/teamnspire20/cute-fur-babies-cb08fgnv3ju5ldj7

If these match, you are logged into the correct account. If they don't match, you are either logged into the wrong account or the padlet belongs to someone else.

My students can't post on my padlet

Posting might be disabled on the current padlet Settings. To allow users to post on your padlet, make sure they are given writing permissions. To do this, click the Share arrow at the top right of the padlet > Visitor Permissions > Writer.

Learn more about Privacy and Permissions.

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