Class activity ideas generator

The class activity ideas generator from Padlet TA creates engaging, curriculum-aligned activities that require minimal prep time. This tool helps you discover fresh ways to teach concepts while keeping students actively involved in their learning.

How it works

  1. Visit the class activity ideas generator at
  2. Enter the required information (marked with an asterisk): grade level/year and topic/learning objective/standard
  3. Optional: Add additional context to target specific types of activities, including text, links, and files
  4. Click the arrow to generate activity ideas

Once the activities have been generated, you can review them. You can also adjust the prompt and generate the ideas.

When you are satisfied with the output, use the export options to copy the text, export to Google Docs or PDF, share the link to your output, or duplicate the output.

Prompts and examples

Example 1: Kindergarten Counting Activities


  • Grade level: Kindergarten
  • Topic/standard: CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.2 (Count forward beginning from a given number)
  • Additional context: Fun activities including movement, singing and art

Output: Multiple low-effort counting activities including "Number Line Hop" and "Counting Train Song" with materials, instructions, and differentiation suggestions.

View these activities.

Example 2: 9th Grade Figurative Language Activities


  • Grade level: 9th grade
  • Topic/standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.5 (Demonstrate understanding of figurative language)
  • Additional context: Conversational activities

Output: Interactive language activities including "Metaphor Tennis" and "Idiom Investigation" with clear instructions and assessment guidance.

View these activities.

Best practices for prompting

See our Best practices for prompting guide for tips on crafting effective prompts.

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