Lesson plan generator

The lesson plan generator is an AI-powered tool from Padlet TA. It helps teachers quickly create comprehensive lesson plans aligned to educational standards. By providing a few key details about your lesson, the tool generates a complete plan with objectives, activities, assessments, and materials — saving you valuable time that can be redirected toward student interaction and classroom engagement.

How it works

  1. Visit the lesson plan generator at https://ta.padlet.com/lesson-plan
  2. Fill out the required prompts (marked with an asterisk): grade level/year and topic/standard
  3. Add optional additional context, including files and links
  4. Click the arrow to generate your lesson plan

Once you create the lesson plan, you can review it. You can also adjust the prompt and regenerate a new lesson plan.

When you are satisfied, you can use the export options to copy the text, export it to Google Docs or PDF, share a link to the output, or duplicate the prompt.

Prompts and examples

5th Grade Solar System Lesson


  • Grade level: 5th grade
  • Topic/standard: NGSS 5.Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System
  • Additional context: Advanced students

Output: A 45-minute lesson plan exploring the solar system with learning objectives focused on modeling relative sizes and distances between planets, explaining Sun-Earth relationships, and comparing different types of stars.

View this lesson plan.

9th Grade Geometry Lesson


  • Grade level: 9th grade
  • Topic/standard: CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.CO.A.1 (Geometric definitions)
  • Additional context: (None provided)

Output: A 60-minute lesson plan covering geometric fundamentals with learning objectives focused on defining and identifying angles, circles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments, plus understanding relationships between undefined and defined geometric concepts.

View this lesson plan.

Best practices for prompting

See our Best practices for prompting guide for tips on crafting effective prompts.

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