Padlet's refund policy

We think refunds are really fun! We want to give you as much freedom and flexibility as possible when it comes to your subscription. We always make it easy to switch your subscription and we offer prorated refunds in a variety of circumstances:

Gold and Platinum subscriptions

If you are on a monthly plan: Choosing to downgrade from a Platinum or Gold subscription to the free Neon option will automatically send a prorated refund for the remaining duration of your subscription through your most recently used payment method.

If you are on an annual plan: We will offer a prorated refund if you decide to downgrade within 90 days of purchasing your subscription.

The option to downgrade can be found on your Billing page. Simply click Downgrade to downgrade to the Neon option. The refund for the time remaining on your current plan should arrive in 2-3 business days.

If the Downgrade option is not available, that means your subscription is outside the time frame allowed for prorated refunds. However, you will still be able to downgrade at the end of your payment period. If this option is chosen you will keep your subscription and all premium benefits for the remainder of the billing period, but no refund will be available.

Padlet may be unable to process refunds for payments made through third-party app stores via Apple or Google Play. Apple and Google's refund policy will apply. Please get in touch with Apple Support or Google Play Support to request a refund.

Padlet Teams

If you are on a monthly plan: Choosing to downgrade from a Team Gold subscription to the free option will automatically send a prorated refund for the remaining duration of your subscription through your most recently used payment method.

If you are on an annual plan: We will offer a prorated refund if you decide to downgrade within 90 days of purchasing your subscription.

Be cautious when adding members to your Team. You will be charged for all Owners, Admins and Makers within your Team. To add members without being charged, be sure to add them as Contributors. Read more about Team Gold accounts here.


Classroom 30-day trial: If you decide to upgrade to the paid version before your 30-day trial has lapsed - pro-rated credits will be added to your account instead of providing a refund. These 'promotional credits' will be automatically used on future charges for the Classroom account.

Classroom subscription: Classroom plans can only be canceled at the end of the term. Prorated refunds are not available for this plan.

Padlet for Schools

For Padlet for Schools customers, refunds are available for the first 30 days after a subscription is purchased. If you want to cancel your subscription after this period, the cancellation will be effective at the end of your current billing cycle, and your payment will not be eligible for a refund.

Please get in touch with our support team if you encounter any problems in downgrading your subscription.


I have promotional credits in my Teams account. Can I use these toward a different plan instead?
Unfortunately, no. Our billing platform will only allow promotional credits to be spent on future transactions of the same library.
I don't see an option in my Billing settings to downgrade my account / The Downgrade button is greyed out - How do I cancel?
If you do not see the downgrade button or it is greyed out this is because you are outside of the refund period. Please contact Padlet support and we can help!

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