How do I organize my padlets?

Marie Kondo once said, "A messy room equals a messy mind." We've taken this to heart and set up features so you can organize your padlets. Organizing padlets can make a huge difference in your productivity and happiness. You'll see a couple of tricks below to manage padlets in your account.


  1. From your dashboard, go to the Bookmarks section and click New Folder.
  1. Type in the name of your new folder and click Submit.
  1. Click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the bottom right corner of the padlet on the dashboard and then Edit bookmark or Add bookmark to add it to a folder.

You can also add a padlet to your Bookmarks directly from an opened padlet. Just click the three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the right-hand side of the padlet and click Add bookmark or Edit bookmark.

To remove a padlet from your bookmarks, click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the lower-right corner of the padlet on the dashboard and then Edit bookmark. You can uncheck the folder and then leave the menu.

Central Wall

Another good option for organizing padlets is by creating a central wall with links to these padlets. Think Inception but, instead of dreams, it's a padlet within a padlet. Here's how:

  1. Create a main/parent wall where you want all of your padlets to live.
  2. Copy the sub-wall link.
  3. Add a post to the main/parent wall. Click the link icon (🔗)and paste the sub-wall link.
  1. Press enter/return on the keyboard!

Here's an example of a central wall with several links added to it.

Now you can reach all your favorite padlets with a single click from the main padlet!

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