Padlet analytics

Curious about who made a padlet or how many times it's been viewed? Want to know how many posts are in a padlet without counting on your fingers?

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the three-dot ellipsis button (...) in the action bar on the right side of your padlet (for boards) or at the top-right of the screen (for Sandboxes). This will open your Additional options panel.
  2. Click Details.
  3. Now you can see some statistics about the padlet!





What is it?


Number of posts on the padlet


Number of users that have posted on the padlet


Number of times the padlet has been viewed. If you load a padlet 10 times, that would count as 10 views.


Number of unique users that have visited the padlet

Engagement time

Total amount of time users have spent on the padlet. We only count time when a user is actively viewing the padlet

How did we do?

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