Add reactions

Reactions enable peer-to-peer quantitative feedback on Padlet and allow you to collaborate in many new ways. Learn how to enable reactions on your padlet.

Reaction types

  • Like ❤️
  • Vote 👍👎
  • Star ⭐️
  • Score 💯

How reactions work

  • A padlet can only have a single reaction type.
  • Users can react to any post if reactions are turned ON. There is no special permission.
  • Users can react to their own posts. 
  • Users can react to a post only once if they are logged in. If they open the padlet in an incognito browser, they can react multiple times.
  • Users can react to any number of posts.
  • Users can go back and change their reactions.
  • Users can delete their reactions.

How to enable reactions

In the Settings panel (⚙️), go to the Engagement section for 'Reactions.' Turn it ON, and choose your reaction type.

Turning reactions OFF does not delete existing reactions. It merely stops additional reactions. However, switching from one reaction type to another will delete existing reactions.

How to sort a post by reactions

To sort a post by reactions:

  1. Select the Settings cog icon (⚙️) on your padlet's action bar.
  2. Scroll down to the Layout section.
  3. Select Sort.
  4. Sort the padlet by your chosen reaction type.

Learn more about how to sort your padlets here.


Will turning OFF reactions delete the reactions forever?
No. Turning OFF reactions will prevent new reactions but it will not delete old reactions. The reactions will not be visible when reactions are OFF but they will be reinstated if you turn reactions back ON. However, switching from one reaction type to another will delete old reactions.
Who can react to my padlet?
If you have reactions turned on, anyone that can visit your padlet can react to your posts.

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