Learn dashboard

If you're searching for some quick, "how-to" videos without all the fluff, you've come to the right place! Learn how to do all things Padlet with our Micro-lessons.

Learn dashboard

To navigate to the Learn dashboard, login to your Padlet account and click on Learn in the header at the top of the page.


There are so many things you can do with Padlet so we've narrowed things down into different topics/categories for you. Click through the different topics to find the Micro-lesson you need!

  • Creating - Here you will find Micro-lessons surrounding everything about creating a padlet and making it your own. (Examples: Create a padlet with AI, Create a Stream padlet or Use a personal template)
  • Posting - Click this topic to find short videos about posting to your padlet. (Examples: Post a link, Add a drawing or Transfer a post)
  • Collaborating - Padlets are more fun when you can collaborate with your friends! Choose this topic to see Micro-lessons on how to do just that! (Examples: Use breakout links, Moderate posts on your padlet or Invite a collaborator to your padlet)
  • Presenting - If you're presenting your padlet to others or want to find ways to share it - we've got you! (Examples: Start a slideshow, Export your padlet as a PDF or Autoplay and loop your slideshow)
  • Organizing - Having a lot of padlets or posts can be a bit overwhelming. Learn how to get your space better organized. (Examples: Sort your posts manually, Add a custom text field to your posts or Bookmark your padlet)
  • Everything else - If it doesn't quite fit into the other categories, find your Micro-lesson here. (Examples: Access the announcements feed or Search for padlets).

Search for Micro-lessons

Use the search bar (located at the top of the category list) to help you find what you're looking for. Watch the search results populate in realtime as you type!

If you can't find the Micro-lesson you're looking for or think of one you'd like to see - Request one! Under the category, 'Everything else,' click on Request a video to fill out the request form.

Of course this isn't everything you can do with Padlet but it's a great start! Learn quickly, easily and efficiently!

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