Join a padlet

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

Here's how to join someone else's padlet.

Padlets are Secret by default. This means they are not searchable on the web. You need at least one of these three things to join someone else's padlet:

  • Link
  • QR code
  • Email invitation

These will come from the padlet owner. If you're simply exploring what is in the Padlet world, feel free to visit our awesome Gallery.

If you are trying to edit a padlet shared with you by someone else, the owner of the padlet must adjust the 'Visitor permissions' (to give you editing rights) by choosing Moderator or Admin.
  • Contributors may access a padlet with a link provided by the padlet creator which looks like this:

  • To generate the link, click the Share arrow > Copy link to clipboard. If you are on the web, you can also copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.
  • The link can either be clicked or typed in the browser or app.
  • You can also click the Join button on your dashboard and enter the link in the window that pops up.
To use the Join button, you must have a link to the padlet.

Join with QR code

  • If you have been given a QR code for access, you can use your device or app's QR code scanner. The padlet will automatically open in the app.
  • On some devices, you need only to view the QR code with your camera.
  • If there's a (+) sign on the padlet, you can add your posts.

Join via email invitation

  • If you have received an email invitation from Padlet, just click the link in the email. It will redirect you to the padlet you have been invited to.
If you have more than one Padlet account -- before clicking on the invite link, be sure you are logged in to the account that the link is inviting. If you are not in the correct account, you will receive an error message denying you access.
Install the Padlet Android and iOS app on your devices to automatically open padlets with a mobile device.


Why does the padlet I'm trying to join say "There's nothing there" / 404 Not Found?
You may have mistyped the URL. Ensure the link is correct. Although not likely, the padlet may be deleted. Check with the owner to confirm the padlet has not been deleted. Alternatively, you can check out our Troubleshooting article or contact us here!
When I click on the link in my email invitation it takes me to a page that says, "The user open_notification does not exist." Why?
You may be logged into an alternate account. If you have multiple accounts with Padlet and you're logged into Account 'A,' but you click on an invite link for Account 'B,' it may display this page.

Solution: Try logging into Account 'B' and clicking the link again. If this doesn't work please Let us know!

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