Can I purchase Padlet with my Carta del Docente?

Yes, you can purchase Padlet using your Carta del Docente. Padlet is recognized as an eligible educational tool under the Italian Ministry of Education's initiative for teachers' professional development.

Available Plans

Padlet offers a Platinum license with unlimited padlets for just 99.99€ per year, making it an excellent value for educators. This comprehensive plan gives you access to all of Padlet's premium features without any limitations on the number of collaborative boards you can create.

How to Purchase Padlet with Carta del Docente

  1. Visit the official Carta del Docente website ( and log in with your SPID credentials.
  2. Generate a voucher for 100€ with the following specifications:
    • Ambito: Software e Hardware
    • Bene: Software
  3. Download the PDF voucher by clicking "Salva il buono - PDF"
  4. Send an email to [email protected] with the PDF voucher attached.
    • If you want to upgrade an account with a different email than the one you're sending from, specify this in the email body.
    • Otherwise, your account associated with the email you're sending from will be upgraded.
  5. Within 24 hours, the Padlet team will process your request and upgrade your account.

Benefits for Teachers

Padlet serves as a versatile digital tool for classroom instruction, allowing you to:

  • Create interactive learning environments
  • Organize course materials in one accessible location
  • Facilitate student collaboration on projects
  • Share educational resources efficiently
  • Document classroom activities and student progress

Documentation for Reimbursement

After completing your purchase, you can download an official invoice directly from your Padlet account. This documentation is necessary for your records and complies with the Carta del Docente requirements.

Padlet's educational technology qualifies under the digital content for teaching and professional development category, making it a fully eligible purchase with your 500€ annual bonus.

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