Report posts and padlets

You are able to report any content on Padlet that violates our Content policy. This includes content that constitutes bullying, intellectual property theft, spam and more. You are able to report individual posts or entire padlets. Reported content will be reviewed by our team. If it violates our content policy, it will be removed immediately.

Report a post

You should report a post if content in the post's subject, body, attachment, comments or caption violates our Content policy.

To report a post:

  1. Ensure that the content in the post violates our Content policy.
  2. Select the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (...) in the top-right corner of the post.
  3. Select Report post.
  4. Select the reason for reporting.
  5. Provide additional information, if necessary.
  6. Click Submit.

Report a padlet

You should report a padlet if any content on the padlet violates our Content policy. If the violation is limited to one post, you should report that post individually. Report a padlet when the content violation is widespread on the padlet, or in the title, description or wallpaper.


To report a board:

  1. Ensure that the content on the board violates our Content policy.
  2. Select the three-dot ellipsis button (...) from the action bar on the right side of the board.
  3. Select Report padlet.
  4. Select the reason for reporting.
  5. Provide additional information if necessary.
  6. Click Submit.


To report a Sandbox:

  1. Ensure that the content in the Sandbox violates our Content policy.
  2. Select the three-dot ellipsis button (...) located at the top-right side of the Sandbox.
  3. Select Report padlet.
  4. Select the reason for reporting.
  5. Provide additional information if necessary.
  6. Click Submit.


How do I know if a padlet or post contains harmful content?
Refer to our Content policy.
Should I report an individual post or an entire padlet?
If the violation is limited to one post you should report that post individually. Report an entire padlet when the violation is widespread on the padlet, or in the title, description or wallpaper.
What happens to my padlet when its reported?
You will not be notified when your post or padlet is reported by someone else. The post will be reviewed by our team and if it violates our content policy it will be removed.

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