Remove a shared padlet

Sometimes sharing is caring, but sharing can also be a burden. Like a messy houseguest or leftover seafood, it can be nice to get an unwanted shared padlet out of your space.

External folder

The padlets that show up in your External folder are padlets that you have been invited to collaborate on.

How can I remove padlets from the External folder?

To remove a padlet from your External folder, you'll need to leave the padlet. You can read about this process in detail in this post, but here is the basic idea:

  1. Open the padlet you wish to leave by going to your dashboard's External folder.
  2. Click the Share arrow located in the top right corner of your padlet.
  3. Under the 'Add a collaborator' field, click the dropdown menu next to your name and choose Leave this padlet.
  4. You will see a warning message saying that you will need to be invited to be a member of the padlet again. Select Leave.

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