Remake menu

When you Remake a padlet, you create a copy of that padlet that you can customize without impacting the original. Read below for more details on Remake options.

Remake menu

Getting to the Remake menu is a bit different depending if you're remaking a board or a Sandbox.

  • Board: Open the board and click the Remake button on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Sandbox: You can access the Remake menu for a Sandbox by either clicking the three-dot ellipsis button (...) at the top-right of the screen and then selecting Remake or just click the Remake button.



When you click the Remake button to copy a padlet, you are presented with a menu. This allows you to customize what you copy from the original padlet. For example, you will see this menu if you Remake a padlet.



When remaking a Sandbox, Admins have the ability to choose which objects will carry over to their remade padlet. Choose between None (to create a blank Sandbox), Admin only (where only objects created by the admins will copy over) or All (to copy everything)!

Adjust the selections to choose what parts of the padlet to copy. Read on to learn more about each of the options.

Select account

If you have multiple accounts under the same email address, you need to choose which account to place the remade padlet in. Just click your account at the top and make your selection.

Title of new padlet

Customize the title of your new padlet.

What to copy

Choose whether to copy the wallpaper, objects (for Sandbox), posts, comments and/or reactions from the padlet.

All options will not be available if they are not in use on the padlet at the time of the Remake.

Admin-only options

If you are the creator or an administrator of the padlet, you will also see these options.

If you Copy people and privacy, your remade padlet will be shared with any members you previously invited. It will also maintain the same privacy setting.

If you Copy authorship, the posts will maintain authorship, so your contributors can edit their posts on your remade padlet.

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