Sort posts

You can decide how posts will be sorted on your padlet. By default, posts are sorted manually with new posts added last. You are also able to sort automatically by date published, reaction score, alphabetically, and randomly.

Accessing the sorting options

  1. Select the Settings cog icon (⚙️) on your padlet's action bar.
  2. Scroll down to the Layout section.
  3. Select Sort by.
  4. Select your desired sorting option.

How sorting works

When you sort manually, you can Drag and drop posts wherever you want. You only determine where new posts show up, either at the beginning or end of your padlet.

When you use any of the other sorting options, your posts will be sorted automatically by the chosen criteria. You will not be able to rearrange posts on a padlet sorted by date published, reaction score, alphabetically, or randomly.

You are able to drag and drop posts between sections on a sorted padlet.

Ways to sort


When you sort manually, added posts will appear at the beginning or end of your padlet depending on which setting you choose. You will then be able to drag and drop posts to rearrange them however you want.

If you rearrange your posts with manual sorting, switch to an automatic sorting option, and then switch back to manual, padlet will remember and reinstate your custom configuration.

Reaction score

If you have reactions enabled, you can sort your posts by reaction score. See how to turn on reactions here.

We use Bayesian modeling to rank reaction scores instead of just raw scores. This means that the more reactions a post has, the more confident we will be in its score. So a post with 500 star ratings that average 4.7 will be ranked above a post with 10 ratings that average 4.8.

Date published

Posts will be sorted in the order that they were posted.


This setting will sort posts alphabetically by the subject of the post. If two posts have the same text in the subject, the tie will be broken by the date published. The older post will always come first. If a post has no text, it will be sorted to the end of the padlet.


Sorting randomly will rearrange your posts randomly every time the page refreshes.

Custom properties

If you have created custom post fields, you can sort your posts this way, too!


Why can't I drag and drop my posts?
When you use one of the automatic sorting options, you will not be able to drag and drop your posts. You must use a manual sorting option to drag and drop.
Why are my posts sorted by reaction score in the wrong order?
Note that we use Bayesian modeling to rank reaction scores instead of just raw scores. This means that the more reactions a post has, the more confident we will be in its score. So a post with 500 star ratings that average 4.7 will be ranked above a post with 10 ratings that average 4.8.
I sorted my posts and now they're in the wrong order. How do I go back?
If you drag and drop your posts into a custom configuration and then sort them with one of the automatic settings, you can reinstate your configuration by returning to a manual sorting option.

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