Want to organize a messy Padlet board? Give your board some structure with Sections.
How sections work
When you use Sections, you can group your posts to organize your board. For example, you can make a Timeline board and add a section for each day of the week to create a weekly schedule.

If you want to take structured notes, you can make a Stream board with Sections.

If you want to be really organized, you can make a board using Wall format with Sections, which will let you create unlimited columns with your posts underneath like a shelf.

Using sections
When you create a board, you can choose whether your board has Sections. If you want to start off with Sections, make sure to select an appropriate format and select ON under 'Sections.'

If you want to add or remove sections from an existing board, click the Settings cog icon (⚙️) in the action bar and go to the Layout section. Toggle 'Group posts by section' ON/OFF to add or remove sections on your board. If you add sections to an existing board, we will put all of the posts into one section by default.

When you have enabled Sections, we will add one section by default, but you can add as many as you want. On desktop, each section has three components: a name, a (+) button and an action menu -- indicated by the three-dot ellipsis button (...).

Click the three-dot ellipsis button (...) on the right side of the section header to open the action menu and reveal all of the ways to interact with your section. From the action menu of a section, you can post in the section or add a new section above/below it. You can also make that section default, copy the section name or rename it, move the section and delete the section and its posts.

Posting in sections
Outside of the section action menu, you can add a new post by clicking on the (+) button next to the section header. You can always use the (+) button in the bottom right corner of your board to add a new post, too.

If you want to add new Sections, you can click the Add section button at the bottom of the screen. You can also create a new section when you add a new post. Otherwise, you can add Sections using the action menu.

Finally, if you want to quickly rename a section, you can double-click the existing name. Otherwise, you can use the action menu. Once you have renamed your section, click Done or click outside of the text box and it will save automatically.

If you want to rearrange your Sections, just drag and drop them into the right order! Similarly, if you want to move a post into a different section, just drag and drop it into the correct section.

Default sections and assigning sections
Boards with Sections always have a default section. If you add a new post through the (+) button at the bottom of your board, it will be added to the last section you posted in. But if you haven’t posted yet, the post will be added to your default section.
When you add a new post by clicking the (+) button in the bottom corner, you can see which section it will be posted in. Click the name to reassign the post to a different section. You can also use the (+) button in a section to add a post directly to it.