Padlet shortcuts
Padlet accommodates a variety of shortcuts that will help you make padlets faster and easier. Level up your padlet skills with the following tips and tricks.
Mouse shortcuts
Drag and drop a file: Opens the post composer with content inside.
Drag and drop multiple files: Opens multiple post composers, each with one of the files. Click the icon on the right to publish all drafts. Check out this article for more info.
Double-click on padlet: Opens the post composer.
Double-click on post: Edit the post.
Double-click on padlet title: Edit the padlet settings.

Mac computers: Cmd + left click on the mouse
Windows computers: Ctrl + left click on the mouse
Keyboard shortcuts
Windows users will use Control ^ and Mac users will use Command ⌘.
C: Creates a new post.
F: Goes fullscreen while using Slideshow.
Esc: Closes the post composer.
Cmd/Ctrl + Enter: Publishes the current post.
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Publishes the current post and starts a new post.
Cmd/Ctrl + V: Pastes clipboard content to a post.
Cmd/Ctrl + /: Opens the search panel in the dashboard
Keyboard shortcuts / hotkeys (for formatting) text
Windows users will use Control ^ and Mac users will use Command ⌘.
Bold text: Cmd/Ctrl + B | Italic text: Cmd/Ctrl + I |
Strikethrough text: Cmd/Ctrl + S | Highlight: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + H |
Link: Cmd/Ctrl + K | Superscript: Cmd/Ctrl + period (.) |
Subscript: Cmd/Ctrl + comma (,) | Quote: Cmd/Ctrl + > |
Code block: Cmd/Ctrl + \ | Math: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + M |
Bulleted list: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + 8 | Numbered list: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Decrease indentation on bulleted/numbered lists: Shift + Tab | Increase indentation on bulleted/numbered lists: Tab |
Markdown syntax
For bold, italic, s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶, and highlighted text, place your text in between the symbols shown below. For example, to type Favorite Books in bold, you would type **Favorite Books** To highlight the text, you would type ==Favorite Books==
Bold text: **bold** | Italic text: *italic* |
Strikethrough text: ~~strikethrough~~ | Highlight: ==highlight== |
Bulleted list: Select either a -, +, or * and then a Space | Numbered list: 1. and then a Space |
Quote: > and then a Space | Code block: ``` and then Enter |
Reorder custom fields with keyboard shortcuts
Follow these steps to reorder custom fields using keyboard shortcuts:
- Use the Spacebar/Enter key at the 'drag handle' icon to start dragging the row.
- Use the Up/Down arrow key to move fields up and down.
- Use the Spacebar/Enter key to confirm movement.
While in keyboard dragging mode, users cannot use the Tab key to focus out of the draggable list or to use the custom field buttons that navigate to the sub-panels.
Other shortcuts When you navigate directly to, we will automatically create a new padlet for you to work on. This will default to the Wall format. If you want to start a padlet with a different format, try one of these URLs:
Keyboard shortcuts
Windows users will use Control ^ and Mac users will use Command ⌘.
C: Create a new, blank card within your Sandbox.
Objects/Tool selection | ||
V: Select tool | P: Pointer tool | D: Draw tool |
E: Eraser tool | T: Text tool | N: Note tool |
R: Rectangle tool | 0: Circle tool | X: Connector tool |
Object modifiers | ||
[ - Send objects to the front | ] - Send objects to the back | cmd/ctrl + G: Group multiple objects together |
shift + L: Add a link | cmd/ctrl + X: Cut | cmd/ctrl + C: Copy |
cmd/ctrl + V: Paste | cmd/ctrl + D: Duplicate | shift + F: Freeze |
del: Delete | shift + A: Select all |
Special shortcuts
- Hold cmd/ctrl to temporarily enable object snapping
- Hold shift while drawing to make a straight line
- Alt/option + drag creates a duplicate of an object
- Shift + drag moves an object in a fixed line (this can be combined with alt/option to create objects in neat rows and columns)
Other shortcuts
- Use this link to create your first Sandbox using a template! If you'd like to make more Sandboxes after that, simply use